

Your menstrual periods terminate when you reach menopause. Occasionally, the phrase is used to describe the changes you go through soon before or after your menstruation ends, signalling the end of your fertile years. Menopause often begins around the age of 50.

Menopause Causes

All of a woman's eggs, which are kept in her ovaries, are present when she is born. The hormones oestrogen and progesterone, which regulate ovulation and menstruation, are also produced by their ovaries. Menstruation ends and the ovaries stop releasing an egg on a monthly basis, which is known as menopause.

When it occurs beyond the age of 40, menopause is a normal aspect of ageing. However, some women may have an early menopause. When their ovaries are removed via a hysterectomy or when chemotherapy damages them, it might lead to this condition. Premature menopause is the term used when it occurs for any cause before the age of 40.

Menopause Symptoms

First Signs Of Menopause Vasomotor symptoms (VMS) are typically first felt by women who are approaching menopause. Hot flashes are the most frequent. A hot flash is characterised by an abrupt sensation of warmth that spreads across the upper body, frequently accompanied by flushing, a racing heart, and perspiration. Most women see these flashes as light, while other people have severe ones.

Additional menopausal symptoms that you could see include

  • Uneven or missed periods
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Needing to pee more often
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Dry skin, eyes, or mouth